10,560 Hymn Texts

by CreateAnAppForFree.com


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In our app you will find the text to more than 10,560 loved Christian Hymns. Always handy when you need them.- All hymns categorized from A to Z- Easy search for hymns on top of each category- Save your favorite hymns for easy access- Adjust text size easily- Receive one new hymn to enjoy every dayRegistration is optional but recommended to edit push messages or if you would like to save information and switch devices. All users have full access to all hymns, no registration needed for that.Some of the famous hymns included are:- Amazing Grace- Blessed Assurance- Blessed Redeemer- Whiter Than Snow- In the Garden- O Perfect Love- Jesus Paid It All- Victory in Jesus- What a Friend We Have in Jesus- Old Rugged Cross- O Worship the King- There Is Power in the Blood- I Need Thee Every Hour- To God Be the Glory- Abide with Me- I Know That My Redeemer Liveth+ Thousands More!Since we believe that the text to all of these hymns are in the public domain you may share them freely with friends!God Bless You!John